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Under Your Skin" by Chalee Tennison
Album: "This Woman's Heart""
Original Position: Feet together, Weight on Left
Choreographer: Simon Ward  (Australia)   June2003
Difficulty Rating: Intermediate - 32 count - 2 wall dance      

Beats                       Steps
1-2   Rock/Step R to R side, Rock/step L slightly to L
3&4   Cross/shuffle R over L
5-6   Rock/step L to L side, Transfer weight onto R turning 1/4 R
7&8   Shuffle fwd L,R,L

1-2   Rock/step R fwd, Rock/step L back turning 1/2 turn R
3-4   Complete 1/2 turn R stepping onto R, Turn a further 1/2 turn R touching tip of left toe down
&5-6  Step slightly back on L, Rock/step R back, Rock/step L fwd
7-8   Turn a full turn L stepping fwd R,L

1-2   Step R fwd, Pivot 1/4 turn L taking weight onto L
3&4   Cross/shuffle R over L
5-6   Rock/step L to L side, Transfer weight onto R starting a 1/2 hinge turn to your L
7-8   Complete 1/2 turn L stepping L to L side, Turn a further 1/2 turn L & step R to R side

1-2   Turn a further 1/2 turn L & Step L to L side (Big Step), Drag R towards L
&3-4  Step R slightly behind R, Step L slightly to L side, Cross/step R over L
5-6   Step L to L side and sway hips L-R
7&8   Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Cross/step L over R

At the end of the 4th wall you will do the following 16 counts (Facing 12.00 wall)
1-2   Rock/step R to R side, Transfer weight onto L
3&4   Turn a 1/2 turn L shuffling R,L,R to R side
5-6   Rock/step L behind R, Rock/replace weight onto R
7&8   Shuffle L,R,L to L side turning 1/2 turn R
1-8   Repeat.