Beats Steps
1-6 Step fwd onto R, step back onto L, turn 1/2 turn R and step fwd onto
R,(now facing 5 o'clock) step fwd onto L, step R beside L, step L beside R
1-6 Step back onto R, step fwd onto L, step R fwd **, step fwd onto
pivot 1/2 turn R, step L fwd (now back to where you started the dance
facing 11 o'clock)
1-6 Step R to side to square up to your 9 o'clock wall, step L foot back
behind R,step/replace weight onto R, step L to L side, step R behind L,
turn 1/4 turn L and step fwd onto your L
1-6 Step fwd onto R, pivot 1/4 turn L, step R in front of L, step/sway L to
L side,sway R, sway L
1-6 Step R behind L, step L to L side, replace weight onto R slightly to R
side, step L back behind R, step/replace weight onto R, step L to L side
1-6 Step R behind L, step L to L side, replace weight onto R slightly to R
side, step L back behind R, step/replace weight onto R, turn 1/4 L as you
step fwd onto L
1-6 Step fwd onto R, pivot 1/4 L, cross/step R in front of L, turn 1/4 R
and step back onto L, turn 1/2 R and step fwd onto
R, step L foot to L side
1-6 Step R behind L, step L to L side, replace weight onto R slightly to R
side, Step L back behind R as you turn to face 5
o'clock. Step fwd onto R, step fwd onto L
48 Restart dance
*** Restart: Complete the dance twice you are now back at your
starting position for
The dance. Do the first eight counts of the dance, you are now facing 5
Touch R beside on count 9 the restart the dance.